
Welcome to website of The Bromberg Chiropractic Center.

At The Bromberg Chiropractic Center we provide a safe and effective health strategy while incorporating the best of the science of chiropractic, medicine, physical therapy, nutrition and other alternative therapies in a nonmedical approach to solving your health condition. Our treatment protocol is effective with conditions such as neck and back pain, headaches, sports injuries, auto accident injuries and disorders of the nervous system such as anxiety, concussion, vertigo, sciatica, movement disorders, ADHD and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

The Bromberg Chiropractic Center is an integrative health center. Dr. Bromberg works adjacent to other practitioners in the center to provide effective treatment. We have available at the center acupuncture, therapeutic counseling, nutritional counseling and massage therapy.

A chiropractic treatment is known as an adjustment or manipulation. This treatment can be applied to the spine or any other joint in the body, e.g. knee, shoulder, etc. The adjustment of the spine restores joint mobility to a segment of the spine that is hypomobile or “stuck.” This loss of joint motion is significant because it sends aberrant signals to the spinal cord and brain as to where your body is oriented in space resulting in incorrect control of your muscle system. This will result in painful conditions of your neck and back and will ultimately lead to a break down of the joint, known as arthritis, and a resultant more chronic condition of pain and pressure on nerves, known as neuritis.

The chiropractor is highly skilled at evaluating the indication and appropriateness for the spinal treatment and then considering the health of the individual to determine the precise area of the body, direction and degree of force to provide the most safe and effective treatment for that individual.

Chiropractic treatment is safe. It is rare for there to be any side effect other than occasional muscle soreness from the stretch of the treatment. A chiropractor receives extensive training on par with your primary care physician, but with a specialty of chiropractic treatment and the diagnosis of disorders of the spine, brain and nervous system. This allows your chiropractor to accurately diagnose your condition providing the information necessary to formulate an individualized treatment plan that is specific for each patient.

We also practice a form of chiropractic known as Functional Neurology. Functional Neurology requires the practitioner to have a very detailed understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the brain and nervous system to not only diagnose a condition but to understand the nerve pathways that are malfunctioning or damaged. Applying this knowledge the practitioner will use specific stimulations to the sensory system that activate the weakened or injured pathways. Examples of stimulations range from spinal adjustments, to physical exercise, balance activities, light, electrical stimulation, hot or cold applications and exercise to strengthen the visual systems.

Conditions that may improve from Chiropractic and Functional Neurology:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Auto accident injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Migraines
  • Vertigo/dizziness
  • Herniated discs
  • Movement Disorders (tremors, dystonia, Parkinson’s)
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Digestive problems
  • Balance problems
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Chronic pain
  • Brain/spinal cord injuries
  • TMJ
  • Numbness or tingling


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Health Articles

Dizziness Helped by Chiropractic According to Study
Dizziness Helped by Chiropractic According to Study
The Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic published the results of a case series on December 14, 2023, documenting chiropractic care helping to alleviate dizziness in a series of patients. Each of the people in this study had been suffering from significant dizziness for at least three months. . . .
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Menstrual Cycle Problems and Infertility Helped by Chiropractic
Menstrual Cycle Problems and Infertility Helped by Chiropractic
The Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study in their third-quarter 2023 edition that documented a case of a woman suffering with menstrual cycle problems and infertility who was helped by chiropractic. . . .
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Autistic Spectrum Disorder Improved with Chiropractic Care
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Improved with Chiropractic Care
On April 10, 2023, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic published the results of a case study documenting the improvement of a young chiropractic patient with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. . . .
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Resolution of Chronic Constipation with Chiropractic Care
Resolution of Chronic Constipation with Chiropractic Care
The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published the results of a case study on January 2, 2024, that documented the resolution of chronic constipation under chiropractic care. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases . . .
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Office Hours

8 AM - 1 PM, 3 PM - 6:00 PM
8 AM - 1 PM, 3 PM - 6:00 PM
8 AM - 1 PM, 3 PM - 6:00 PM
 8 AM - 1 PM, 3 PM - 5:00 PM

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